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Our caregivers assist patients in all facility settings. Your facility may not provide the hands on assistance that you need and you may not feel like you still have your independence. Our care providers can help you feel at home in any setting. Having someone with you that only caters to your needs in a facility takes away stress and fear. No need to wait for a facility staff to become available to assist you with your bath or accompany you to the dining room for lunch or dinner. Your personal care provider will be by your side. They can provide hourly or 24 hours care. This will ensure that you have the help when you need it. Throughout the day or night. If you do not sleep throughout the night and need help getting to the restroom and you have a fear of falling, your care provider will be there for you.

We will assess you to see what level of care is right and most comfortable for you.

Call us, we can get you the help you need TODAY!

Radcliffe Nursing Service is committed to improving the quality of life by referring qualified and screened care providers.

Call us to today at 561.404.0651

Fax 561.265.1100


Radcliffe Nursing Service, LLC | 2020 All Rights Reserved | Palm Beach County License #30211728

Contact: 561-404-0651 | Fax: 561-265-1100

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